You can set up restrictions that determine which lifecycle states a user is allowed to use on assets. When you've set up restricted lifecycle state movement for users they can only select the lifecycles states allowed for assets in Asset management.
In standard Asset management, you set up lifecycle states for Assets. Refer to the link for Microsoft documentation on how to work with the standard setup of lifecycle states in Asset management.
Lifecycle states determine the states an asset can go through, for example 'Active', 'InRepair', and 'Scrapped'.
You can set up restrictions for lifecycle states for selected users/user groups and maintenance workers/maintenance worker groups regarding which lifecycle states they are able to use.
Example: On an asset, available lifecycle states for an Active asset are 'InRepair' and 'Scrapped'. You can create a setup for each user/user group or maintenance worker/maintenance worker group allowing them to be able to select only for example 'Scrapped' when they're working on an asset.
Restrictions regarding the use of lifecycle states are set up in an update permission form. For each user/user group or maintenance worker/maintenance worker group, a line is created for asset lifecycle states, and permitted states for that user or group is selected.
Refer to Microsoft documentation to learn more about the setup of users and user groups in the System administration module in D365FO:
Refer to the test case below for a step-by-step procedure on how to set up lifecycle state update permissions.
The screenshot below shows an example of the Lifecycle state update permission form. The available state types are highlighted in the red box to the left and you can see that asset lifecycle states is chosen. In the Permission states FastTab, the asset lifecycle states selected for the user group 'Manager' are highlighted in the red box.
Select Asset management > Setup > Lifecycle state update permissions.
Select New.
In the General FastTab, select Asset lifecycle states.
In the Permission owner type field, select either User, User group, Maintenance worker, or Maintenance worker group, depending on who you're creating the update permission for.
In the Permission owner field, select the user/user group or maintenance worker/maintenance worker group that the update permission setup should be available for.
Select Save to update the screen and show the available lifecycle states on the Permission states FastTab.
On the Permission states FastTab > Lifecycle states remaining section, select the lifecycle states that should be available for the selected user/user group or maintenance worker/maintenance worker group. Press the 'Ctrl' button during selection to multi-select.
Select the right-arrow button to move your selection to the Lifecycle states selected section.
Optional: To remove permissions for a selected permission setup, select the lifecycle states to be removed in the Lifecycle states selected section, then select the left-arrow button.
The user can create a lifecycle state update permission record for a selected user/user group, or maintenance worker/maintenance worker group regarding asset lifecycle states.
When you've completed setup regarding permissions for lifecycle state updates in Asset management, the selected users are able to only select the lifecycle states available for asset lifecycle states according to that setup.
Note: If some users (workers) are not set up with specific lifecycle state update permissions, they are able to select all lifecycle states available, according to your standard setup in Asset management.
The permission setup uses the standard setup created for lifecycle models in Asset management. Refer to Microsoft documentation regarding lifecycle model setup for Assets.
For each lifecycle state in a lifecycle model, you determine which lifecycle states should be available as the next possible lifecycle state. That, in combination with any user permission setup determines which lifecycle states are available to a user. If a user/maintenance worker is part of two or more user groups/maintenance worker groups and updates a lifecycle state, the user will have access to all permissions specified in all of the groups.
Example: An asset is created and currently in asset lifecycle state 'Active'. The asset lifecycle model setup allows for two possible updates from state 'Active' (refer to screenshot 'Screen 01' below). A manager who is working on an asset is included in the asset lifecycle state permission setup created for the group 'Manager' (refer to screenshot 'Screen 02' below). When the manager selects Update asset state on the asset, he or she is only able to select 'Scrapped' as the next lifecycle state (refer to screenshot 'Screen 03' below). Only the states checked as available can be updated. The 'InRepair' state can't be updated manually, but instead it could be updated automatically while a work order is carried out on the asset.
In the case when a user belongs to for instance two maintenance worker groups, or two user groups, the user will have permission to update the lifecycle state based off the permissions that are specified for those groups.
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