Object QR Report

Print report with QR codes that represent object identifiers


The Print QR code report feature simplifies the process of generating reports by automatically creating and printing QR codes linked to specific objects. This allows end users to quickly and easily track and manage items by scanning the QR codes, streamlining the workflows and reducing manual data entry errors.

Set up

To enable the print QR code report functionality, verify and ensure that the following are set up:

  1. License - Ensure that the necessary licenses are imported into your environment:
    • Dynaway Enterprise Asset Management.
    • Dynaway Advanced EAM.
  2. Configuration keys - Enable the configuration key in System adminstration > License configuration > Configuration keys.
    • Dynaway Advanced EAM.
  3. Security Roles - Assign the appropriate security roles to users for proper access control to F&O system users:
    • View permission: EAM Maintenance worker role.
    • Managing permission: EAM Maintenance Clerk role and EAM Maintenance manager role.

Accessing the Print QR Code Report

  1. There are two ways to enable printing reports with QR codes that represent object identifiers.
    • Go to Enterprise asset management > Reports > Objects > Object QR code.
    • Go to Enterprise asset management > Common > Objects > All objects > General > Reports > Object QR code.
  2. The page will display the Object QR code dialog box (Screenshot 01).
  3. Select the values for Pixels per module.
    • This parameter determines how many pixels each module (small black or white square in the QR code) occupies.
    • Increasing the pixels per module will result in a larger QR code image, while decreasing it will make the image smaller.
  4. Select the Destination.
    • To view the report as a pdf, select the destination as PDF.
    • To view the report as a web page, select the destination as Screen.
  5. Set the value for Objects.
    • The Objects field allows you to view and manage the range of objects for which QR codes will be generated.
    • Manual control: You can manually adjust the object range by using the Filter button to select specific records.
    • Programmatic control: When selecting records from a specific location, the system will automatically populate the Object field with the selected object identifiers. This feature allows for efficient bulk QR code generation based on selected objects.
  6. Click on the OK button to generate the report.

01: Object QR Report Configuration Screen.
01: Object QR Report Configuration Screen.

Printed Object QR Report

The printed object QR code report will include the generated QR codes corresponding to the object identifiers.

The appearance of the printed report be as in Screenshot 01 below.

  • The QR codes will be printed according to the size configured in the Pixels per module setting.
  • Each QR code corresponds to the object identifier(s) specified in the Object field.

01: Printed QR code report.
01: Printed QR code report.

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