Risk Assessment Archive & Versioning

Archive a Risk Assessment Version

You can archive versions of a Risk Assessment if you want to save specific versions . You can use the archive functionality in two ways:

  • Automatic setup that will create an archive version of a Risk Assessment when the Risk Assessment status is updated to "Released". Refer to the article Safe Work Setup regarding setting up Archive Risk Assessment on Release.
  • Manually archive a Risk Assessment version. This can be done during the entire lifecycle of a Risk Assessment, no matter what the status of the Risk Assessment is.

You can inspect archived versions of a Risk Assessment.

You can restore a specific version to revert the Risk Assessment to that version.

Refer to the test cases below for step-by-step instructions on how to work with archive versions:

  • Archiving a Risk Assessment
  • Inspecting Archived Versions
  • Restoring an Archived Version

Archiving a Risk Assessment

Data Requirements

  1. At least one Risk Assessment exists.
  2. The "No. of Archived Versions" field on the General FastTab is visible.

Steps 5

  1. On your role center, select Risk Assessments, or search for and select Risk Assessments.

  2. Open a Risk Assessment card.

  3. Select Actions > Archive Document in the ribbon.

  4. In the pop-up, confirm by selecting Yes.

  5. Select OK.


The user can archive any existing Risk Assessment.

When archiving is completed, the number in the No. of Archived Versions field on the Risk Assessment is updated.

Inspecting Archived Versions

Data Requirements

  1. At least one Risk Assessment exists.
  2. At least one archived version of the Risk Assessment exists.
  3. The "No. of Archived Versions" field on the General FastTab is visible, and the value in the field is larger than '0'.

Steps 4

  1. On your role center, select Risk Assessments, or search for and select Risk Assessments.

  2. Open a Risk Assessment card.

  3. Select the number link in the No. of Archived Versions field on the General FastTab.

  4. Select a link in the No. field of the archived version you want to open.


The user can inspect an archived version of a Risk Assessment.

Restoring an Archived Version

Data Requirements

  1. At least one Risk Assessment exists with status "Open".
  2. At least one archived version of the Risk Assessment exists.

Steps 6

  1. On your role center, select Risk Assessments, or search for and select Risk Assessments.

  2. Open a Risk Assessment card.

    Ensure that the Risk Assessment has Status "Open". This is the only status in which you are allowed to revert to a previous version.

  3. Select the number link in the No. of Archived Versions field on the General FastTab.

  4. In the Risk Assessment Archives list, select the link in the No. field of the version you want to use to restore to an earlier version.

    The selected Risk Assessment Archive record opens.

  5. Select the Restore... button in the ribbon.

  6. Confirm by selecting OK.


The user can restore an archived version of a Risk Assessment.

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