Checklist Template

Add checklist template lines to existing work orders


In standard Enterprise asset management, you can set up checklists on job types. When you create work orders, those checklists are automatically transferred to the work orders that use the job types.

We have extended this functionality to allow you to add checklist lines from a checklist template to existing work orders.


In Enterprise asset management, you have created setup for objects and work orders.

Maintenance Manager, Technician

License Configuration

Working with checklist templates in Enterprise asset management requires the same configuration setup as working with Checklist actions.

Refer to the article License configuration for information about the configuration setup.

Create Checklist Template

In order to add checklist template lines to work orders, a checklist template needs to be created. Refer to the EAM documentation about Creating Checklist Templates to see how to create templates.

When creating checklist templates, the following checklist types can be created in AEAM:

  • Text
  • Header
  • Template
  • Variable
  • Measurement
  • Date and Time

Add a Checklist Template to a Work Order

You find the "Add checklist template lines" functionality on a work order.

  1. In Enterprise asset management, select a work order in a work order list, or open a work order.
  2. On the Action Pane > Work Order group > Lines tab > select Checklist.
  3. On the Checklist tab, select Add template lines. The Add template lines dialog opens.
  4. In the Checklist template drop-down, select the checklist template you want to add lines from.
  5. In the Template lines position drop-down, select to add the checklist lines before or after your current selection on the Checklist tab.
    1. If no existing checklist lines are shown on the Checklist tab, the Template lines position drop-down is not shown.
  6. Select OK. Checklist lines from the selected template are added to the Checklist tab in the order they appear on the checklist template.

Refer to standard Enterprise asset management documentation for more information about checklists:

The screenshot below shows the Add template lines dialog that you open from a work order list or work order.

Adding checklist template lines to a work order
Adding checklist template lines to a work order

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