If you use approvals for Risk Assessments, and a Risk Assessment is approved by all approvers, the status on the Risk Assessment is automatically updated to "Released". If approvers reject a request for approval, the Risk Assessment status automatically reverts to "Open", in that case you must resubmit the Risk Assessment for approval when the conditions that caused the rejection have been met.
The approval process for a Risk Assessment may include one or more reviewers, but it must include at least one approver.
Reviewers and approvers must be set up as Safe Work Users and have the permission set for DAMSW Manager in their user permission setup.
There are two ways you can work with Risk Assessment approval:
Workflow setup is optional on Risk Assessments. It is used to send a Risk Assessment for approval and get the Risk Assessment approved by one or more approvers.
Workflow is part of standard D365BC functionality, and we added a "Risk Assessment" workflow to be used for working with the approvals for Risk Assessments.
To learn more about the general use of workflows in standard D365BC, refer to Microsoft documentation:
Refer to the test cases below for step-by-step procedures on
The screenshot below shows the standard setup of the "Risk Assessment" approval workflow after you have set it up, as described in the test cases. The workflow is ready to use, but you can edit it, if required. On your role center, you can search for and select Workflows, which opens a list. You can select and open "Risk Assessment" from that list.
As described above, you can set up a list of default approvers for Risk Assessments. This means that if you have not added reviewers or approvers on a Risk Assessment, the default approval setup is automatically applied to the Risk Assessment.
Refer to the test case below for step-by-step instructions on how to set up default approval for Risk Assessments.
On your role center, search for and select Safe Work Setup.
Select Default Risk Assessment Approval Setup in the ribbon.
Select the user in the User Name field in the empty row.
Select the role (reviewer or approver) for the selected user in the Approval Role field.
Note: At least one Approver must be set up.
Repeat steps 3-4 for each new approver or reviewer you want to add.
The user can set up Default Risk Assessment Approval.
This setup is automatically used on a Risk Assessment if approval workflow is enabled, and if there is no approval setup on the Risk Assessment.
Instead of using the default risk assessment approval setup described above, you can set up Risk Assessment approval on a Risk Assessment record.
If you set up approval on a Risk Assessment, that setup takes precedence over the default approval setup.
To create an approval setup on a Risk Assessment
On your role center, search for and select Safe Work Setup.
Select Create Workflow Templates in the ribbon.
Select Yes.
Select OK.
The user created the Risk Assessment Workflow Template - to be used in the next test case.
On your role center, search for and select Workflows.
In the Workflows list, select New > New Workflow from Template.
In the Maintenance group, select Risk Assessment.
On the workflow card, activate the Enabled toggle button (shown in green color when activated) to use the workflow.
The user can create a workflow to be used for Risk Assessment Approval.
Note: If, at some point, you want to deactivate the Risk Assessment workflow because it should no longer be used, then you deactivate the Enabled toggle button described in step 4.
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