10. Optimization and Performance

Deployment Best Practices

All about the data quality

Make sure your D365F&O database is free of DB sync errors. It's helpful to use full sync and complete build between major releases.

No mismatches

Make sure you don't have any mismatches between your Dynamics 365 F&O environment's versions.
Make sure you have the same release version for Dynaway products. Dynamics 365 FO models and Mobile Apps in the same major release.

How to deploy

Dynamics 365 F&O can be updated via lcs.dynamics.com (all-in-one package) or a Microsoft DevOps pipeline (version control).
Microsoft LCS Deployment manual
Microsoft Azure DevOps Deployment

Adjust Data

Most of the Dynaway data is dependent on the amount of Mobile app end users and work orders.
It's possible to adjust entities to system references.

  1. Entity setup
    Dynaway mobile > Setup > Entity setup.
    • Disable unused entities.
    • Shorten the data range storage.
  2. Entity initialization
    Dynaway mobile > Periodic > Entity initialization
    • After every Dynamics 365 and Dynaway update.
    • When you have more work orders and users.
  3. Mobile framework cleanup jobs
    Dynaway mobile > Periodic > Mobile framework cleanup jobs
    This feature cleans tables in which paging data, client and handler logs, and telemetry data are collected.
    Dynaway recommends running the periodic cleanup jobs once a week.
    • Clean temporary paging table
    • Clean client and handler logs
    • Clean telemetry data
  4. Handler logs
    Dynaway mobile > Setup > Handler setup
    Dynaway recommends turning off for handlers unless you are expecting issues. In relation to logs, we also recommend running the periodic job Mobile framework cleanup jobs recurringly, for example, once a week.
    The status of the batch job can be verified under Asset Management -> Inquiries -> Maintenance insights -> Batch Overview.
    The result can be verified in the table of Handler setup (screenshot 5.)
  5. Verify license configuration and licensed users
    System administration > Setup > License configuration.
    • Click the Dynaway overview file to download the info log.

0. All Dynaway data optimization tools and logs.
0. All Dynaway data optimization tools and logs.
1. Entity setup.
1. Entity setup.
2. Entity initialization batch job
2. Entity initialization batch job
3. Dynaway mobile framework cleanup jobs.
3. Dynaway mobile framework cleanup jobs.
4. Handler logs removed with
4. Handler logs removed with "Clean client and handler logs" option selected.
5. Dynaway Overview file.
5. Dynaway Overview file.

Inspect Entities

To inspect entities, go to Dynaway mobile > Periodic > Entity initialization (Refresh entities).

This functionality (available in Dynaway 2307 update) is useful when an error occurs during the transfer/synchronization of a given entity. You can find all errors on the Failed entity submits form.

On the 'Entity setup' form related to failed entity submits, there is a column on the grid that shows how many times a problem occurred with data transfer for a given entity.

When clicked, a button in the top menu Failed entity submits opens the 'Failed entity submits' form.
With a filter, i.e. shows only errors for the entity previously selected on the 'Entity setup' form.

  • Inspect for Selected Entity
  • Failed Entity Submits

Inspect for Selected Entity

Users can now inspect a selected entity from entity setup (Setup > Entity setup).

Failed Entity Submits

  • The number of failed entity submits for an entity is added to the grid overview.
  • Failed entity submits can be opened from the overview. No multiselection.

1. Entity Inspector.
1. Entity Inspector.

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