Asset Defects

Register and solve defects on assets


Register and solve defects on Assets, for instance visual or mechanical defects, and see when and who it was solved by, and the action taken to solve it. Defects can be registered and solved on maintenance jobs and can in some cases prevent future failure of an asset.


A defect doesn't prevent an asset from operating optimally but may need to be solved in order to prevent future failure of the asset. Asset Defects can for instance be mechanical or visual and may or may not require Work Orders to be solved. Technicians may notice defects while carrying out maintenance jobs on assets, and they're able to register them directly from the Work Order, Round Order, Downtime etc.

If a Work Order is planned for a specific asset that happens to have a defect, the defect is shown on the Order as a notification at the top of the page, which gives the technician a chance to solve it while working on the maintenance job for the asset (unrelated to the defect). See screenshot below.

A notification on a Work Order stating that the asset has 1 registered defect.
A notification on a Work Order stating that the asset has 1 registered defect.

Set up Defect Categories and Standard Defects

Setting up Defect Categories and Standard Defects helps you to register Asset Defects faster and more accurately.

Defect Categories

  1. Go to the search bar and type 'defect categories'.
  2. Enter a code and a description for each category. Examples could be 'Mechanical Defect', or 'Visual Defect'.

Standard Defects

  1. Go to the search bar and type 'standard defects'.
  2. Enter a code and a description for defects that are standard in your company. See screenshot below for reference.
  3. Choose one of the categories you have previously specified to connect it to the standard defect.

Examples of Standard Defects.
Examples of Standard Defects.

Register a Defect

In the case where e.g. you're doing an inspection of Downtime, or carrying out a Work Order and you notice a defect on an asset, you can register the defect directly from the Work Order or Downtime.

Defects can be registered from various places in the system from the toolbar:

  • Asset Card
  • Asset Transfer (Defects can be registered on e.g. received Asset Transfers to check if the asset has any defects due to transferring)
  • Work Orders
  • Round Orders
  • Downtime

Registrating Defects

You need to open the list of Asset Defects to register defects. In the screenshot below, you can see an example of opening Asset Defects from the Asset Card.

  1. On the Asset Defects list (opened from one of the places mentioned above), click New to register a defect.
  2. Specify a Defect Code. The fields 'Defect Category Code' and 'Description' are automatically filled out based on the Defect Code.
  3. If you don't have the defect code you need, simply put a description in the mandatory 'Description' field to register the defect.

Note: once you've registered the defect, it can't be edited.

Being on the Asset Defects list, you can select Open the Asset Card and Source Document Card from the toolbar. The Source Document Card is created based on which document the defect was created from. If the defect was created from the Asset Card, then that Asset Card document will be the source document.

Opening the list of Asset Defects from an Asset Card.
Opening the list of Asset Defects from an Asset Card.
Asset Defects list.
Asset Defects list.

Upload and Attach Pictures to Asset Defects

You can add pictures to the defects either by upload or by taking a picture. On the list of Asset Defects, select the defect you want add a picture to, go to the Factbox and select Upload or Take Picture. See the screenshot below.

After adding a picture you will see it in the Factbox. If you have more than one picture, you can see it by selecting the number which opens the list of pictures.

Uploading a photo and attaching it to an Asset Defect.
Uploading a photo and attaching it to an Asset Defect.

Solve a Defect

When you're working on a Work Order or Round Order, you can open a list of asset defects to check if there are any defects you're able to solve. When this list is opened, you can mark an existing defect as solved. Information is then added about the time and date it was solved and by who. See the screenshot below.

When you open the Asset Defects list from a specific order card, the Solved By Document No. is automatically added to the line.

Marking a defect as solved.
Marking a defect as solved.

View All Asset Defects

  • Get an overview of all assets that have defects in your company by going to Asset Defects from the search bar.
  • You can also view Asset Defects from the Asset Tree by right-clicking on an asset and selecting Show Defects.
  • If you want to view nodes on each assets that represent active asset defects, click Tree Options on the Asset Tree page and then toggle the button Show Defects in the 'Asset' tab.
    • You will then see a node representing active defects for each asset in the Asset Tree. See the screenshot below for reference

Viewing defects from the Asset Tree.
Viewing defects from the Asset Tree.

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