The Assets Tree gives you an overview of Assets and the hierarchy of parent and child Assets, including related data such as Work Order Plans, Work Orders, Requests, and Downtime registrations.
You have created Assets.
1 | Organize your assets in a tree structure. View data related to an asset as well as its work orders, downtime entries, asset items, maintenance requests, and more. Right-click a node to perform an action on it. Including opening the selected record, creating a work order, registering the downtime, and more. |
2 | Asset data available from anywhere within an asset node. When you select a node anywhere inside an asset, you have access to asset-related details such as attributes, and work order statistics in the Factboxes. |
3 | Find more data in the tree. Select a node in an asset tree and select 'Open' to see details for that node. For example, you can open item card, resource card, and work order plan frequencies. |
4 | Information stored in a tree. Select any node below an asset to get access to statistics, logs, ledger entries, and posted work orders related to that asset. |
5 | Add rich detail to Asset Tree. In Tree Options, each user can determine to show details such as work orders, items, documents and much more. |
Different configurations can be made for the Assets Tree:
Important: Only active assets are visible on the asset tree. Remember that you are defining if the asset is active by selecting the proper Asset Status Code.
In the Asset Tree Node Templates list you see all the data types that are available in the Assets Tree. You can change the detailed information to be shown by editing the contents in the Template column.
Refer to the "Changing Node Templates" test case below for step-by-step instructions on how to edit the template.
Regarding information availability, a Maintenance Manager may require access to all information in the Assets Tree, whereas it is only relevant for a Technician to see information related to Assets and Work Orders. You can edit information availability from the Assets Tree.
Refer to the "Changing Layout" test case below for step-by-step instructions on how to configure which data should be shown in the Assets Tree.
The Icons on each Asset node in the Assets Tree can be dynamic or static:
If you want to use dynamic icons,
If you want to use static icons,
The two screenshots below show examples of dynamic icons and static icons used in an Assets Tree.
The Asset Tree is capable of showing various information about Assets (Asset Items, Documents, Downtime...), Round Orders, Work Orders (Plans with Items and Resources...). By default, the Asset Tree only shows Assets.
You can customize the information shown on labels and tooltips on the Resource Scheduling Board and Asset Activity Board, and information shown on the Assets Tree nodes. This allows you to only see the information that is relevant for you about Assets, Work Orders and other objects.
The setup consists of listed values that you need to enter in a text field. Each value represents a type of data for example Asset Description. These values can be found in the following setup pages: Asset Activity Board Setup, Scheduling Board Setup, and Asset Management Setup (for Asset Tree Node Template).
Note: You can restore default settings at any time by selecting the Restore Defaults button from the toolbar, or by selecting 'More options'.
On your role center, select Assets Tree.
Select Process > Tree Options.
The Edit - User Asset Tree Setup Card <User Name> screen opens. The default setting is that all information is shown, meaning all toggle buttons are activated (shown in green color).
Select instances which should be shown in the Assets Tree:
Select a toggle button to deactivate it (shown in white or gray color), meaning these data are not available in the Assets Tree.
If you deactivate Show Work Order Plans or Show Work Orders or Show Posted Work Orders, the related toggle buttons in each section are also deactivated, and they can only be activated if you select the Show Work Order Plans / Show Work Orders / Show Posted Work Orders toggle button again to activate it.
All toggle buttons can be deactivated and activated separately as long as the three toggle buttons mentioned above are activated.
Select Close.
Expand and inspect the Assets Tree to check if the required data is shown.
The user can select which data are visible in the Assets Tree.
On your role center, select Assets Tree to view information about Assets such as details about a specific Asset or Asset relations such as Work Orders.
Select an Asset to see details in the FactBox to the right. You can view details about the Asset as well as information about the Location and Warranty.
To find the asset that you want to inspect, you can use Search function visible at the top of the asset tree.
Type in part of, or the full asset number, asset serial number, asset model number, or its description and press Enter. The asset tree will automatically navigate to the matching asset (if the asset is hidden under its parent, the parent node will be expanded).
If there are more assets that match the search criteria you will be able to select the correct one from the list.
To view Asset relations, select an Asset from the tree structure to view relations from the hierarchy.
From the Assets Tree, you can open a card for a selected node to see more details. This can be done with all available data in the tree. From the Assets Tree, you can view details or initiate actions in two ways:
1) Use the Process button in the ribbon:
Example - Work Order details:
Example - Item details:
2) Right-click on any node in the Assets Tree:
When you select an Asset, or any node under the Asset, you can create different types of data related to the Asset directly from the Assets Tree:
The screenshot "Screen-01..." shows Asset No. A000041 with related nodes expanded. Data related to the Asset as well as Work Order Plan data and Work Order data are shown. The Asset node icons used in the screenshot are dynamic icons (round icons in red, black, and blue colors). Read more about icon setup in the article Configure Assets Tree above.
The context menu offers quick access to common tasks such as creating a Work Order, showing existing Work Orders on the Asset - or registering Downtime. Right-clicking an Asset opens the context menu that allows a user to:
When you create an Asset, select the Parent No. field and select the parent Asset from the list.
The description related to the parent Asset is automatically inserted in the Parent Description field on the Asset Card.
On your role center, select Assets Tree.
Select Process.
Select Expand All.
Select Asset for which you want to create one-off Work Order.
Select Process.
Select Create Work Order.
Enter data in the Description field.
Select Category code.
Select Priority Code.
Select Yes.
The user can create a one-off Work Order from Asset Tree.
To Register Downtime in Assets Tree, choose a given Asset and either use the context menu or the top menu to select Register Downtime and fill out the form by specifying the time and reason for downtime.
To create a Maintenance Request from Assets Tree, choose a given Asset and either use the context menu or the top menu to select Register Request and fill out the form. It is possible to upload a file or take a picture before finishing the creation of a request.
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