In your company, you may occasionally need to move Assets between locations within the same company/legal entity. In EAM-BC, you can use Asset Transfer to create Asset Transfer Orders for shipping Assets in one location and receiving them in another location. This approach means you keep transfer records on your Assets. Examples of Asset Transfer:
If you create an Asset Transfer for a parent Asset, all child Assets are included in the transfer.
You can add Checklists to an Asset Transfer Order, if required. This is useful if specific tasks are required for disassembly and reassembly of Assets in the Asset Transfer process.
The procedure for working with Asset Transfer includes
On the Asset Card, some fields are automatically updated during Asset Transfer, depending on the Asset Transfer Route setup and the current status of the Transfer Order:
The screenshot below gives you an overview of the Asset Transfer workflow. The dotted lines refer to available, but not mandatory, data.
Managers require the "DAM EAM MANAGER" permission set in their user setup to be able to work with and manage Asset Transfers. That permission set is included in the standard permission setup for an Asset Manager.
Technicians require the "DAM EAM TECHNICIAN" permission set in their user setup to be able to work with and manage Asset Transfers. That permission set is included in the standard permission setup for an Asset Technician.
Refer to the User Management section to learn more about Roles, Users, and Permissions in EAM-BC.
Set up number series for automatic numbering related to Asset Transfer.
For more information about Asset Managment setup, refer to the article Asset Management Setup.
If you want to use Checklists on Asset Transfer Orders, you may want to set up at least two Checklist Categories for that purpose:
Those Categories must be selected on your Asset Transfer Checklists. Categories are created in the Dynaway Forms module because Checklists are created as Form Templates in the Forms module.
Refer to the test case below for step-by-step instructions on how to set up a Checklist Category.
On your role center, search for and select Form Template Categories.
In the Form Template Categories list, select New in the ribbon.
Enter a Code for the category.
Examples: "Before Shipment" for a Checklist Category to be used when shipping Assets, and "Before Receipt" for a Checklist Category to be used when receiving Assets.
Enter a Description for the category.
In the Type field, select "Asset Transfer Checklist".
The user can create Form Template Categories to be used when creating "Before Shipment" and "Before Receipt" Checklists.
The categories used for Asset Transfer Checklists must have the type "Asset Transfer Checklist".
You use Asset Locations when you transfer Assets between two locations.
If required, you can set up an Asset Location as "In Transit" Location, which is used during Asset Transfer. Refer to the article Asset Locations to learn more about Asset Location setup.
If you set up an Asset Location as "In Transit" Location, you cannot select it as a "Transfer-from" or "Transfer-to" location on an Asset Transfer Order.
In Asset Transfer Routes you create routes for the Asset Locations used for Asset Transfer in your company.
An Asset Transfer Route includes the location you ship from and the location that receives the Asset. If you need more than two locations for an Asset Transfer, you create a Transfer Order for each "from-to" location. It is not possible to create a "from Loc1 via Loc2 to Loc3" combination in one go.
Setting up Asset Transfer Routes is optional, but the setup saves time when you create Asset Transfer Orders and makes it possible to use the same route setup regularly, for example, to send Assets for repair in an in-house repair shop. You can set up the following data for each Asset Transfer Route:
In-Transit Code | Select an "In Transit" Code if you have set up a location for this purpose. |
Transfer-To Asset Status | Select Status Code for the Asset in the new location. |
Remove From Parent Asset | Select if you want to move the Asset(s) from current Asset hierarchy. |
Assign To Parent Asset | Select if the Asset(s) should be added to a parent Asset on the new location. |
Lead Time in Days | Specify the time (in days) needed for shipment from one location to another. |
The screenshot below shows the Asset Transfer Routes screen and examples regarding
Refer to the test case below for step-by-step instructions on how to set up an Asset Transfer Route.
On your role center, search for and select Asset Transfer Routes.
In the Asset Transfer Routes Matrix section, a combination of all Asset Locations, which are not marked as "In Transit" locations, is shown.
In the Transfer-from Code column, select the location that you want to transfer Assets from.
On the selected location line, select the ellipsis button (...), or the displayed text, for the location that should receive Assets. The Asset Transfer Route Specification screen opens.
Select an In-Transit Code if you want to use an Asset Location as "in transit" Location during transfer.
Select a Transfer-to Asset Status if the Asset should get a specific Status Code when it is received on the new location.
In the Remove From Parent field, you can select if the Asset should be removed from its current location in an Asset hierarchy. Options are "Never", "On Shipment", and "On Receipt".
In the Assign to Parent Asset field, you can select if the Asset should be assigned to a Parent Asset in the 'Receipt' location. Options are "Never", "On Shipment", and "On Receipt".
In the Lead Time in Days field, you can enter the time (in days) needed for shipment from one location to another.
The user can create an Asset Transfer Route for any Asset Location combination shown in the Asset Transfer Routes Matrix.
In Asset Transfer Routes > Show field, the user can select a setup option to display the selections made for that setup on all the Asset Transfer Routes created.
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