
Close or reopen Maintenance Requests


Close a Maintenance Request when it has been resolved, or if it is no longer relevant. Depending on the setup, you may be able to reopen a closed Maintenance Request.


Open or closed Maintenance Requests are available.

Maintenance Manager, Technician

Close and Reopen Maintenance Requests

When a Maintenance Request is completed, you can close it by changing the status on the Request to a 'closed' status. In the Maintenance Request Statuses list, the statuses that can be used to close a Maintenance Request are marked as "Closing status".

Close a Maintenance Request if, for example, it is no longer relevant, or if a Work Order has been created for it. The Work Order created from a Maintenance Request can be open/in progress, and you can still close the related Maintenance Request.

In the Mainenance Requests list, select and open the Maintenance Request you want to close.

  • Select Change Status and select a 'closing' status, for example, "Canceled" or "Closed".
  • When the Maintenance Request is updated with a closing status, you can no longer edit it, and the Audit section is updated with 'closed' and 'duration' data.

It is possible to reopen a closed Maintenance Request, but only within the timeframe selected in Maintenance Request Setup > the Allow Reopen Request Days field.

In the Maintenance Requests list, select and open the Maintenance Request you want to reopen.

  • Select Change Status and select an active status, for example, "Reopen" or "In Progress".
  • The Maintenance Request is open for editing.

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