Work Order Reports

Improvements to work order reports


Improvements to work order reports include:

  • Display counter values for dates when a work order has been created and completed.
  • Display posted hour, item, and expense journal lines.
  • Display small object images on the work order report which can be used in the mobile client as well.

Display Counter Values for Created/End Dates

You're able to display counter values for dates of work order creation and completion, providing a more detailed insight into object performance over time.

Being on the work order report > parameters, check the 'Object counters created/end' parameter, as seen in screenshot 01.

Note: Counter types will only be displayed for created/end dates if they have been set up in the 'Counters' form with the 'Print created/end dates counter values' parameter checked in Enterprise asset management > Setup > Objects > Object types > Counters. See screenshot 02.


Display Posted Journals

It's possible to display posted hour, item, and expense journal lines on a work order report. To do so, check the parameter 'Posted journal lines' in Work order report > Parameters. See screenshot 01.


Display Small Object Images

You can display small-sized images for objects in the work order report, instead of their large size version, which saves a considerable amount of space on the report when including object images.

To enable this feature, go to the 'Feature management' workspace and activate the Dynaway - Work order - Small object image on work order report feature.

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