Maintenance Job

Improvements to the 'Work order maintenance jobs' form


When working with the 'Work order maintenance jobs' form in Advanced Asset Management, you can change the lifecycle state of a work order directly in the form, print out one or more work order reports at once, as well as create or view maintenance requests.

Scheduling in Advanced Asset Management includes the following improvements when scheduling maintenance jobs:

  • Get a quick overview of finished work orders and work orders to come.
  • Change the 'Scheduled start' on one or more work orders at once when you need to quickly reschedule multiple work orders.

Update Work Order Lifecycle State

You can change the state of a work order from the work order job form. The form can be found in Asset management > Work orders > All work order maintenance jobs. Click 'Update work order state' to update the state.

All standard validations (for example: the same lifecycle state of selected work orders, or the same lifecycle model of selected work orders) apply here as well. A warning will be shown if one of the selected work order lines belong to multiline work order.

Create or View Maintenance Request

It's possible to create a maintenance request from work order maintenance jobs, both from the list page and from Asset management > Work orders > Active work orders.

The requests description and note will reflect the origin work order ID and maintenance job line number. Additionally, it's possible to view requests created from a specific work order maintenance job by using the 'Maintenance request' button.

It is possible to create and view related maintenance requests for active work orders, allowing users to directly generate maintenance requests from existing work orders.

The feature of generating related maintenance requests streamlines the process of creating maintenance requests for active work orders. It simplifies the workflow and is aimed at optimizing the time taken in creating maintenance requests by automatically pulling the necessary information from an existing work order to generate a maintenance request for the associated asset.

To create a related maintenance request,

  1. Go to Asset management > Work orders > Active work order maintenance jobs.
  2. From the list of work orders select the work order for which a related maintenance job needs to be created and click on Create maintenance request (Screenshot 01).
  3. You can see the Create request dialog box with maintenace request auto-populated on screen (Screenshot 02).
  4. Verify the details and click on the OK button to create the maintenance request.

01: Active work order maintenance screen.
01: Active work order maintenance screen.
01: Create request dialog box.
01: Create request dialog box.

Filters Based on Scheduled Start

To get an easy overview of what maintenance jobs have been or will be executed, you can use the three filters in the form of checkboxes by going to Asset management > Work orders > All work order maintenance jobs. See screenshot 01.

In screenshot 01, the following 'filtering' checkboxes can be seen. Once checked, they filter maintenance job records based on their 'Scheduled start' field value:

  • Past weeks' schedule: Shows records that were scheduled for the past weeks, that is excluding records from the current week as well as future weeks.
  • This week's schedule: Shows records that are scheduled for the current week only.
  • Next week's schedule: Shows records that are scheduled for the new week only.

Since there might be ambiguity around what is considered the first day of the week, it's possible to configure it as per preference by going to:

Asset management > Setup > Asset management parameters > 'Work order scheduling' tab > 'Work order schedule filters' group > First day of week.

When 'First day of week' has no value set, the first day of the week is determined based on the current F&O session settings.


Move Scheduled Start

Move scheduled start allows you to change the 'Scheduled start' value on one or multiple maintenance jobs at once, while still retaining the scheduled person, timeframes, etc. This is useful in cases when, e.g., 50 maintenance jobs suddenly need to be scheduled for the next week instead. To accomplish this, navigate to and click:

Asset management > Work orders > All work order maintenance jobs > "Schedule" group > Move start.

If the selected record(s) from the grid are valid, then the dialog in screenshot 01 will be opened.

From the dialog, the following controls in the table below are available.


Selected maintenance jobs This number represents how many maintenance job records have been selected in the grid for the 'Scheduled start' value change operation.
Scheduled start range (Earliest/Latest) Together, these two controls show what is the earliest and latest 'Scheduled start' date and time across all the selected records.


It sets a remark that will be visible in, e.g., the 'Schedule logs' form:

  • The lookup button will be shown when there is at least one predefined remark for any lifecycle models' 'Scheduled state' lifecycle state.
  • The lookup dropdown also shows remarks' reason codes.
  • This field becomes mandatory to be filled out when one of the work orders’ lifecycle states, which relates to the selected maintenance jobs, has 'Remark mandatory' switched on.

Reason code

This non-editable field shows the remark's reason code, if there was any:

  • When the set 'Remark' has a 'Reason code' value, upon editing the remark, the 'Reason code' field will not be changed, unless another predefined 'Remark' has been selected from the dropdown.
  • This field is visible, provided that there exists at least one predefined 'Remark' for any work order lifecycle state.

Set/Move scheduled start

These radio buttons give a possibility to specify whether 'Scheduled start' values should be changed relative to a fixed date or the records' 'Scheduled start' value:

  • If one of its input fields holds an incorrect value set by the user, the value must be corrected before being able to switch to another way of value change.

New scheduled start date

Defines a new starting 'Scheduled start' date value for the maintenance jobs, based on which the dates on the related records will be shifted:

  • The value cannot point to the past.

Number of days

Defines a number indicating how many days 'Scheduled start' date should be shifted:

  • The value can't point to the past.
  • It's possible to set a negative value.

Pay attention to the following:

When changing any 'Scheduled start' values, it affects the following related records' information accordingly:

  • Work order line reservations.
  • Schedules.
  • Capacity loads on reservations.
  • Budget dates on forecasts.
  • Work orders.

A maintenance job record can be updated when the following conditions are met:

  • A maintenance job must have 'Scheduled start' set.
  • 'Scheduled start' is being moved to the future date.
  • The current work order's lifecycle state of the maintenance job has 'Allow scheduling' on.
  • The maintenance job's work order has no 'Actual start' value set.
  • A value for the 'Remark' field must be set when one of the work orders’ lifecycle states, which relates to the selected maintenance jobs, has 'Remark mandatory' switched on.


It's possible to print out work order reports from the 'Work order maintenance jobs' form. The form can be accessed in Asset management > Work orders > All work order maintenance jobs.

You can mark one or more work orders you want to print a report for and select the 'Work order report' button.

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