Add remarks and reason codes to work order lifecycle state logs to keep records of why states were changed.
This functionality can be used for adding remarks and related reason codes to work order lifecycle state logs. This is especially useful when you want to keep records of what the reason was for updating a work order, which can be done in a categorized way.
The setup includes:
- License - Make sure that the following licenses are imported to your environment:
- Dynaway Advanced Asset Management (DynAAM).
- Configuration keys - Enable the following:
- Advanced Asset Management (DynAAM).
- Security Roles - To provide users with a more granular level of access control, assign the following to F&O system users:
- View permission: Maintenance clerk.
- Managing permission: Maintenance manager.
Adding a remark and reason code when updating a lifecycle state
You can update the work order lifecycle state by going to Asset management > Work orders > All work orders > Lifecycle state > Update work order state.
Once opened, you can see the following after selecting a new valid lifecycle state:
- A 'Remark' input field is shown.
- If the current work order's lifecycle state has 'Remark mandatory' on, a value in 'Remark' input must be provided.
- If any pre-defined remarks for the selected lifecycle state exist, it's possible to select one of the pre-defined remarks from the dropdown grid.
- If predefined remarks haven't been specified, you are only able to specify a remark manually.
- Predefined remarks can be set up on each lifecycle state in the 'Lifecycle state remarks' tab by going to Asset management > Setup > Work orders > Lifecycle states.
- You can select a remark and change it any way you want. The remarks setup is not fixed.
- If at least one 'Reason code' exists, the 'Reason code' read-only input field will be shown. If a remark is entered for a lifecycle state and the same remark exists for a different lifecycle state, the reason code will be updated automatically.
- After selecting a predefined remark from the lookup, the reason code field is updated automatically with reason code related to the selected remark. You can modify the selected predefined remark in the remark field and provide more text there (the reason code is not changed then). See an example in screenshot 01.
- The 'Reason code' field is only shown if reason codes have been set up for lifecycle states.
- When you provide a remark and update lifecycle state, then the selected remark and reason code are copied automatically to the lifecycle state log, respectively to the remark and reason code fields.
When the work order lifecycle state has been updated successfully, the entered remark can be viewed in Asset management > Work orders > All work orders> Lifecycle state > Lifecycle state log.
01: An example of a work order being updated from the 'New' state to the 'Pending' state. In the 'Remark' field, a value can be chosen for the remark, which is mandatory, and the 'Reason code' field is shown.