In standard Asset management, work orders created in a company can be worked on and completed in the same company.
We've added a functionality that allows you to create work orders in one company and carry out the maintenance work and complete the work order in another company. This is done by using the procurement functionality in D365FO.
Example: In company A (source company), a maintenance request exists, and a work order has been created from that request. The maintenance work will be performed by workers in company B (target company). Intercompany work order functionality handles the automatic creation of a related work order in company B, based on the 'original' work order in company A.
This setup is required in the source company and the target company.
The Intercompany work orders functionality in Asset management requires specific setup regarding license configuration.
This setup is required in the source company and the target company.
Data entities for Intercompany work orders have been extended in the D365FO Data management framework.
In D365FO, the Maintenance manager role must include the following setup.
Refer to Microsoft documentation to learn more about security configuration in D365FO: Security architecture.
Before you can start using intercompany work orders, specific setup is required in the source company as well as the target company.
In the source company - where you create the work order to be used as basis for an intercompany work order in the target company - required setup includes
If required, you can set up several companies (legal entities) as source companies to automatically create related work orders in the same target company.
Create a work order type to be used on the work order that you want to create an intercompany work order from.
Create a work order lifecycle state to specify at which lifecycle state an intercompany work order will be created.
When you've created the lifecycle state, as described above, go to Lifecycle models and add the lifecycle state to the Lifecycle states selected section on your standard lifecycle model. Remember to also go to Lifecycle state updates on the lifecycle model to include update to the new lifecycle state, for example, in the first lifecycle state used in your company setup. Refer to Microsoft documentation for more information on Lifecycle models in Asset management.
The screen below shows an example of the lifecycle state setup.
Intercompany work orders use procurement functionality in D365FO to create a procurement setup for item forecasts on maintenance job type defaults. In this setup, the target company (where related work orders will automatically be created) is treated as a contractor that receives work orders.
This setup means that a work order (created in the source company) with a maintenance job type, which includes a maintenance job type default setup with an "Intercompany" procurement type on an item forecast line, automatically generates a related work order in the target company.
The following setup is required on maintenance job types in the source company:
The three screenshots below show an example of a procurement setup on a maintenance job type.
When you've completed setup in the source company, next step is to set up intercompany functionality in the target company (where related work orders will be automatically created based on work orders in the source company). Here, you define which setup from the source company should be changed to a similar value in the target company when you create intercompany work orders.
Five options for mapping values (value types) are available:
In the screenshot below > Setup FastTab > Value type field, you see a setup with all options used for mapping values.
In the screenshot below > Intercompany assets FastTab, assets From legal entity (source company) with asset type "Air Compressor" are mapped to assets in the current legal entity (target company).
When a work order with intercompany setup is created in the source company and updated to the lifecycle state you have set up for intercompany work orders, then:
Refer to the test case below for a step-by-step procedure on how to create an intercompany work order.
Refer to Microsoft documentation regarding how to create work orders in Asset management:
When an intercompany work order is created, and if a field defined as a Value type field in the target company setup (Work order type, Service level, Maintenance job type, Maintenance job type variant, Trade) is blank on a work order job line, it means that no setup matches that field.
When an intercompany work order is created, and if a field defined as a Value type field is mandatory on a work order job line, but that field (for example maintenance job type) has no mapping and is left blank, then an error message is shown on the work order.
When work order lines are created for an intercompany work order, any attachments from the original work order lines are applied automatically to the intercompany work order lines.
When a purchase order is created during the creation of an intercompany work order, the purchase identifier will be stored in the customer requisition field on the project contract. The project contract should be created automatically with project related to the maintenance job. If it's not created automatically, it might be because the project type you're using is not suitable for intercompany work orders.
You can see the field 'Customer requisition' in the 'General' tab in the 'Projects' page. See screenshot 01.
You will see a warning notification if there is a related project group setup which isn't suitable for the project contract.
In the source company, create a work order with the relevant 'intercompany' work order type.
Update the work order lifecycle state to the lifecycle state used for intercompany work orders.
Information about creation of an intercompany work order is displayed in 'Message details' in the source company.
A purchase order is created for each work order job in the source company.
If there is no hour forecast line on the work order, or if multiple hour forecast lines are created for the same work order job, a warning is displayed.
A work order is created in the target company, according to intercompany setup.
The work order in the target company contains the same number of jobs as the source work order.
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