
Use attributes on work orders


Use attributes on work orders to assign attribute types to work order types and work orders. You can also review and change values to attributes on work orders.


License: Make sure that this license is imported to your environment:
- Advanced Asset Management (DynAAM).

Feature: In 'Feature Management' workspace enable the following:
- Dynaway - Work order attributes

Attribute Types

Attribute types describe possible attributes that can be assigned. They can be found in Asset management > Setup > Attribute types. See screenshot 01.

In the Attributes types grid, you can see the name of the attribute type in the 'Attribute type' field and the unit and data type assigned to it (the 'Data type' field should be specified to prevent errors at further stages).

It also contains information about the number of functional location types, asset types and work order types using a given attribute.

Additionally, the Values button at the top of the form, enabled only for attribute types of data type string, provides an option to specify a set of predefined attribute values, which can be seen in screenshot 02.


Work Order Type Attributes

The attribute types can then be assigned to work order types as seen in screenshot 01.

When an attribute type is assigned to a work order type, all work orders of this type, which are still open, are also assigned attributes of this type. However, this does not work the other way around - if an attribute type is unassigned from a work order type, any current work orders of this type retain the attribute type.

If an attribute type is assigned to a work order type, it can't be deleted.


Work Order Attributes

You can review, change, and assign values to attributes on work orders themselves by going to the 'Advanced' menu and selecting the 'Attributes' form (see screenshot 01 and 02).

Additionally, it's possible to review all attributes assigned to all work orders by going to Asset management > Inquiries > Work orders > Work order attributes which opens the same form as above, but without filter on work orders. Note, you can personalize the form if you require additional information from work orders such as work order type, lifecycle state, scheduled start, etc.


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