
Use work order alerts to get an overview of overdue work orders


Work order alerts are used to check for overdue work orders based on expected start, expected end, scheduled start, or scheduled end selected on work orders.

These alerts can be set up in a way that takes multiple criteria into consideration such as functional location, asset type, and maintenance job type as oppposed to standard Microsoft functionality. You can set up alert messages and add contacts who should receive alert message by email.

You can manually run a job to check for scheduled alerts, or you can create one or more batch jobs for the purpose. Registered alerts can be viewed in the system.

Set up Work Order Alerts

You can set up critera, message and contacts for work order alerts in the 'Work order alerts' page Asset management > Setup > Work orders > Work order alerts. See screenshot 01. Criteria can for example be work order type, functional location, asset type, or a specific asset ID.

  • In the 'Alerts' tab, you can set up whether an alert is active or not, its ID, name, selection criteria for work orders, number of hours before the alert is triggered, and work order value (e.g. expected start date) which overdue hours will be checked against.
  • In the 'Message' tab, you can enter a message for the email. Placeholders are available which in the message will be replaced by real values related to the work order.
  • In the 'Contacts' tab, you can see a list of contacts, which consists of a list of emails with a related user (if there is any with the selected email address) and an online users flag which determines if users will receive emails only if they're logged in to Finance & Operations.


Schedule Work Order Alert Checks

In order to schedule a work order alert check and thereby generate work order alerts, you need to open the 'Schedule work order alert check' dialog from Asset management > Periodic > Work orders > Schedule work order alert check. See screenshot 01 below.

'Schedule work order alert check' should be set up with batch processing set to 'Yes'. You can set up multiple jobs depending on how often the check should be performed. Some alerts can be checked every day at noon, other alerts could be checked every hour.

If any alert is triggered, a message similar to the one below will be displayed in the screen, as you can see in screenshot 02.


View Work Order Alert Registrations

All registered alerts for a work order can be seen in the 'Alert registrations' page from Asset management > Inquiries > Work orders > Work order alert registrations, including the message. See screenshot 01.

The alert registrations also prevent multiple messages from the same alert and work order line. If the alert registration is deleted, the alert will be generated again if the work order and work order line still trigger the alert.


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