Working with related work orders in Advanced Asset Management allows you to copy values from initial/parent work orders and checklist actions to related work orders. You can also specify a setup for parent projects to be used when a related work order is created.
Using the 'All related work orders' menu item you can easily review all work orders associated with a specific work order.
It's possible to specify from which fields values will be copied on initial/parent work order to a related work order when the related work order is created from the initial/parent work order. See screenshot 01.
The setup form for work order inherit values can be found by going to Asset management > Setup > Work orders > Inherit values.
Only 'Maintenance manager' can edit this setup. 'Maintenance clerk' has read-only permissions there.
You can specify which work order inherit field set is active and can be used when creating related work order. You can copy values from the following fields on initial/parent work order when creating a related work order:
It's also possible to use the data entity 'Asset management work order inherit values' in order to export and import work order inherit values setup.
In order to inherit values, you need to set a value in the 'Inherit field set' input field under 'New work order' group seen in screenshot 02.
To be able to see the 'Inherit field set' input field, you need to have at least one 'Active' set meaning a set that has the 'Active' checkbox checked. The input field’s dropdown only shows currently active sets. When the OK button is pressed with the selected set, a validation is performed. It checks if the selected set is 'Active' and if the new work order has 'Parent work order' set. If it's detected that the set is not 'Active' anymore, a warning message will be displayed with a hyperlink.
As you can see in screenshot 02, a warning is shown at the top after a set has been selected, as the values provided by the user in 'Maintenance job type', 'Maintenance job type variant', 'Trade', 'Description', and 'Service level' fields in this form will be overwritten depending on the setup. The values from the parent work order and work order line have precedence over the values provided through this form.
When applying the functionality 'Linked Maintenance Job Types', the default maintenance jobs will be added as they were defined in the setup, they will not inherit any values. In addition, the parent job type will still be created in the new related work order with the inherited values.
It's possible to use this functionality together with the checklist actions functionality. The field 'Inherit field set' is available in the 'Maintenance checklist actions' form. See screenshot 03.
To be able to see the 'Inherit field set' field, you need to have at least one 'Active' set meaning a set that has the 'Active' checkbox checked. The input field’s dropdown only shows currently active sets.
The field 'WorkOrderInheritValue_Set' is added to data entity 'Asset management maintenance checklist action'. This allows to easily export and import above 'Inherit field set' from the maintenance checklist actions setup.
In the 'Work order inherit values' form, the column 'Checklist actions' is available. It displays the number of checklist actions, which specific inherit values set has been assigned to. See screenshot 04.
It's possible to specify a setup for parent projects to be used when a related work order is created. On a work order type you can use the option 'Related work order parent project' seen in screenshot 01 below.
The following options are available:
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